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  • Places Still Available From September 2024!

    Published 09/07/24

    We have a few remaining places for September. Please contact for more information. 

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  • Sports Day

    Published 19/07/24

    Hewens College achieved fantastic wins at Sports Day, with a range of incredible performances across all the different disciplines. Our sports stars made us so proud of their achievements. Well done to all who took part and we look forward to winning more events in future. And, most importantly, having a great time.

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  • Culture Day

    Published 12/07/24

    Hewens College celebrated culture day this week, where our amazing students showcased their great talent and provided glimpses into their cultures with great enthusiasm. Students wore their traditional dresses and shared delicious cultural food delicacies. The atmosphere in the college was electrifying with their passion to share their cultures with each other.

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  • Transition Day

    Published 05/07/24

    On Tuesday 2nd July we welcomed Year 6 students who will join Hewens College in Year 7 in September. The day started with an assembly where Mrs Littlefair shared the ethos of Hewens College with the students. After the assembly they went on the tour of the College with our Student Ambassadors. Year 6 took part in various activities throughout the day. We got very positive feedback as they thoroughly enjoyed the day and are looking forward to starting their journey at Hewens College in September.

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  • Big Bang Trip

    Published 02/07/24

    On Thursday 20th June, forty-nine Year 8 students went to the Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham. It was a fantastic STEM event where thousands of young people across the UK got to discover exciting hands-on STEM activities, careers panels and workshops. Students were given the opportunity to discover exciting possibilities and connect with inspiring role models in STEM.

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  • Compass Workshop

    Published 21/06/24

    We have just completed our annual Compass Workshops at the three primary schools within the Trust. The selected participants were given booklets to work through during the sessions. The students were overall actively engaged and very cooperative to work with. The Year 8 students from Hewens College went as Mathematics coaches to assist the KS2 students with using the compasses, while developing their own communication, leadership, problem solving and social skills. These students did really well as they got the chance to meet, help and teach the younger children. The workshop was designed to:

    1. Build confidence in using the compass;

    2. Provide an introductory Mathematics GCSE lesson before starting KS3;

    3. Promote active learning through direct interaction between KS3 and KS2 students;

    4. Reinforce the learning and skills of the student coaches;

    5. Cater for all different ability groups for greater understanding;

    6. Enhance interest in Mathematics through real life links.

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  • BBC

    Published 03/05/24

    Our Year 8 girls had a unique opportunity to participate in the BBC Academy’s STEM, English and Media project. By visiting Portland place, our superb students were able to discover how the BBC uses Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in everyday programming. They returned home enthused with thoughts of considering a career in STEM because it is a field underrepresented by women.

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  • Bonjour from Boulogne-sur-Mer!

    Published 29/04/24

    On Saturday 20th April, our 14 French students ventured to Boulogne to experience France in all its glory. Students experienced authentic French food, watched a fashion show, enjoyed the beach and even caught a glimpse of a French wedding! They had the great experience of going in the Eurotunnel, which was very fascinating for them. We hope to plan many more trips like this in future so the students can learn something whilst enjoying themselves.

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  • Epping Forest

    Published 19/04/24

    Our Year 11 GCSE Geographers went on their second field trip to Epping Forest on 27th March. The aim of the trip was to investigate how a river changes from its source (start) to the mouth (end). The students worked in groups to carry out data gathering tasks to measure river depth, width and velocity. Hopefully, they will be able to apply all of what they learnt and experienced on the day when they answer questions on their Paper 2 Geography GCSE examination.

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  • Achievement Assemblies

    Published 28/03/24

    On the last week of the term all year groups attended their end of term Achievement Assemblies. The assemblies celebrated the achievements of all students who had demonstrated fantastic progress through their behaviour, attendance and Alliance points. We would like to congratulate all high achievers and hope that they continue to strive for the same. excellence next term.

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  • Year 8 Options

    Published 22/03/24

    Hewens College held its Year 8 Options Evening on Tuesday 27th February. It was a hugely successful evening with the college packed with eager students and their parents, guardians and carers. The day started with the students engaged in classbased activities, workshops with professionals and an assembly from a careers advisor. This was followed in the evening, with parents, guardians and carers being given important information and guidance from subject teachers who were on hand to promote their subject and Mrs Littlefair giving a keynote speech about the process.

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  • I love you mum, I promise I won’t die

    Published 15/03/24

    We welcomed the DSM Foundation into Hewens College to deliver a powerful play. I Love You, Mum - I Promise I Won’t Die is a verbatim play told through the words of Daniel Spargo-Mabbs’ family and friends. This play demonstrates what happened with 16-year-old Daniel, who died after taking MDMA on a night out with friends. The title refers to Dan’s last words to his mother before he left the house and are both haunting and poignant.

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