Applying for a Place
We have challenging ambitions for your child and a commitment to you to:
- Care for your child’s safety and well-being; contacting you if there are any concerns; keeping you informed of your child’s progress and how you can be active partners in your child’s learning at home;
- Provide a balanced and appropriate curriculum to meet your child’s individual needs, delivered through high quality teaching and learning;
- Promote high standards of work and behaviour and provide clear guidelines for your child so that they may enjoy and achieve;
- Ensure your child is given opportunities to achieve their full potential as a valued member of the College and to be able to make a positive contribution to the wider community;
- Promote the moral, cultural and social development as well as the academic skills of your child;
- Provide an organised, effective and well-resourced learning environment within which students feel valued and learn to respect and co-operate with one another;
- Be open and welcoming at all times.
Once you have completed your paper application form please post this to us using the name and address below:
Julie Pegg (Admissions)
The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust (C/O Hewens College Campus)
Hewens Road
For more information on how to apply, please contact the College Admissions Officer Julie Pegg:
Alternatively, you can collect a paper copy by visiting the reception at Hewens College or calling the Local Authority School Placement and Admissions team on 01895 556644.