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KS3 and KS4 Curriculum

As a member of The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust (the Trust), Rosedale College is able to offer a broad curriculum package which responds to the diverse needs, interests and aspirations of all our learners.

At KS3, all students study the full range and content of National Curriculum subjects. These are English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, French (a modern foreign language), Design and Technology, Art and Design, Music (with the addition of Performing Arts), Physical Education, Citizenship, Religious Education (RE) and Computing. All students also receive a formal PSHE learning programme, which includes Relationships, Health and Sex Education. In addition, learning is enriched through a wide programme of extra curricular clubs and trips.

The following subjects are taught at Rosedale College, please click on the appropriate subject and then scroll down to view the course content:


Please feel free to view the Options Booklet below.

Once you have carefully considered your options and made a decision about which subjects you wish to study at Key Stage 4, you should complete the options grid provided at the end of this document. The completed grid should then be returned electronically via the Options Form button below by no later than Friday 14th March, 2024 




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