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April 2024

  • Bonjour from Boulogne-sur-Mer!

    Published 29/04/24

    On Saturday 20th April, our 14 French students ventured to Boulogne to experience France in all its glory. Students experienced authentic French food, watched a fashion show, enjoyed the beach and even caught a glimpse of a French wedding! They had the great experience of going in the Eurotunnel, which was very fascinating for them. We hope to plan many more trips like this in future so the students can learn something whilst enjoying themselves.

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  • Epping Forest

    Published 19/04/24

    Our Year 11 GCSE Geographers went on their second field trip to Epping Forest on 27th March. The aim of the trip was to investigate how a river changes from its source (start) to the mouth (end). The students worked in groups to carry out data gathering tasks to measure river depth, width and velocity. Hopefully, they will be able to apply all of what they learnt and experienced on the day when they answer questions on their Paper 2 Geography GCSE examination.

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April 2024