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February 2023

  • Our students triumphed as ball boys at the Carabao Cup at Wembley!

    Published 27/02/23

    We were so excited to watch our students represent Hewens College as ball boys at the Carabao Cup at Wembley Stadium for the Manchester United vs Newcastle United game on Sunday night! 

    Well done boys! What an incredible experience and a memory that will last a lifetime!

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  • Nintendo Switch

    Published 24/02/23

    Our brilliant Year 7 students were tasked to create and design the famous console Nintendo Switch. They coded their own games on Scratch which they then put on their virtual Nintendo Switches. They were able to play their games on the computer which allowed them to tap into the “designer” and “coder” state of mind. They were brilliant and created some real masterpieces, which goes to show that the future of these learners is bright within the realms of technology.

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  • Year 8 Options Evening

    Published 24/02/23

    The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust will be holding its annual Year 8 Options Day on Tuesday 28th February, 2023.   

    The next few months are an important time in your child’s education. Students will be completing Year 8 and need to make decisions about their Key Stage 4 education; looking closely at possible courses and pathways to follow.  We have therefore been running a series of special assemblies to help students as they consider suitable option choices.  To support this process, a range of additional activities will take place during Options Day on Tuesday 28th February, when the College is in session. This will include a Business Speed Event in which many professionals from the world of work will visit the College to talk about career pathways. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions so they can be well equipped to make the right choices for them.   

    You and your child are invited to attend an information evening on Tuesday 28th February, to take place at Hewens College from 5:30pm until 7:30pm. This includes a formal talk which will provide you with a clear insight as to how Key Stage 4 study is organised and structured.  You will have the opportunity to speak to staff about the range of courses available and the process of choosing options. Displays for each subject area will be available and provide all the relevant information needed for each individual student to make an informed decision about their future.  

    In light of the above, please note that on Tuesday 28th February, Year 8 students will be dismissed from Hewens College at 2:30pm.  All other groups will finish College at the usual time of 4:00pm.  Lessons will resume at the normal time at 8:45am on Wednesday 1st March

    Please feel free to view the Key Stage 4 Curriculum and the Options Booklet below.


    Once you have carefully considered your options and made a decision about which subjects you wish to study at Key Stage 4, you should complete the options grid provided at the end of this document. The completed grid should then be returned electronically via the Options Form button below by no later than Friday 3th March, 2023. 



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  • Brilliant Parents Webinar ​​​​​​​

    Published 07/02/23

    Brilliant Parents present a 'Lunch and Learn' Webinar on The Digital World for Teenagers with Dr Michele McDowell on Friday 10th February 2023 at 12:30pm to 1:30pm.  

    Register for free here.

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  • Vegan Meatballs

    Published 03/02/23

    Over the weeks students in Year 8 have been looking and experimenting with alternative foods for meat. Vegan meatballs were on the menu and to the surprise of the students they were very taken to the non-meat foods! Making a very tasteful sauce to go with it from fresh ingredients really gave them an insight to home cooking, using mushrooms to add flavour to the sauce. Getting the basics right in the classroom really allowed the students to see that the simplest of recipe can be made at home. Students had a great time cooking and enjoyed tasting their creations too.

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February 2023