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January 2022

  • Football Match

    Published 21/01/22

    On Monday 17th January, Year 8 students played Guru Nanak in the quarter final of the Hillingdon Borough Football Cup. After two halves of thrilling end-to-end football, the game ended in a two-all draw which meant the win would be decided by penalties. Unfortunately, Guru Nanak School won 4-1 and progressed to the semi-finals. Well done to the Hewens Team for your fantastic performance and great sporting attitude!

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  • School Assemblies

    Published 14/01/22

    The Spring Term was kickstarted by various year group assemblies that took place every morning for each individual year group. This term, we invited PC Frampton to deliver the assemblies, enabling our students to be made aware of acceptable behaviour both inside and outside the College. All the students were very attentive during the assemblies and we hope it leaves a positive impact on their behaviour and conduct for the whole term.

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  • Achievement Assembly

    Published 07/01/22
    On Friday 17th December, Hewens College held Achievement Assemblies where we celebrated and rewarded all the students who had portrayed fantastic progress and achievements via behaviour, attendance and Alliance points. We would like to congratulate a
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January 2022