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Anti-Bullying Week - Odd Socks Day 2024

This years theme for Anti-Bullying week is ‘Choose Respect’. ‘Andy and the Odd Socks’ band, have partnered up with the Anti-Bullying Alliance this year again for Odd Socks Day and Anti-Bullying Week. As proud patrons, they are excited to promote acceptance, understanding, and respect. This message represents everything their band stands for—celebrating diversity, acceptance, and including everyone.

We need your help to spread this message on Odd Socks Day, by attending school on Tuesday 12th November, in odd socks! Andy and the Odd Socks are excited to share their song ‘Choose Respect’ this year, which we hope will inspire kids everywhere to embrace respect. Last year, over 5 million children participated in Odd Socks Day. Let’s beat that record this year!

Odd Socks Day is a fun and simple way to raise awareness. Andy and the Odd Socks are ready to rock out again, and help spread the message of respect far and wide. So lets put on our odd socks and choose respect together on Tuesday 12th November. Let’s make this year’s Anti-Bullying Week unforgettable!