Relationships, Sex and Health Education and PSHE
A good understanding of students’ faith backgrounds and positive relationships between the school and local faith communities help to create a constructive context for the teaching of these subjects, and we are always keen to engage with any parents, guardians or carers who have questions or concerns.
In accordance with the DfE statutory guidance, and the national curriculum, the school must provide relationships, sex and health education. In all schools, teaching should reflect the law, including the Equality Act 2010, as it applies to relationships, so that young people clearly understand what the law allows and does not allow, and the wider legal implications of decisions they may make.
An understanding for all students of healthy relationships, acceptable behaviour and the right of everyone to equal treatment will help ensure that students treat each other well and go on to be respectful and kind adults.
Thank you for your feedback on the curriculum, and the wider policy.
The consultation for the proposed Relationships, Sex and Health Education policy ran from March 2020. If you did not have the opportunity to submit your feedback or ask any questions, please contact your child's Principal.
Please click on the links below for further information:
- Consultation regarding Relationships, Sex and Health Education
- Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy
- Dfe Guidance for Relationships Education, Relationships and Education (RSE) and Health Education
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education
All students in Years 7 to 11, and in Post 16, follow a programme of PSHE learning. Our aim is to ensure that our students have the knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. Our PSHE curriculum is designed around three key areas:
- Health and wellbeing;
- Living in the wider world and
- Relationships.
You can see the content of these three areas, and read our PSHE and RSHE curriculum mapping here:
Click to view
PSHE is delivered through a combination of lessons, tutor time, assemblies, workshops, external providers and cross curricular learning. We have a holistic approach to delivery, which ensures that students understand the value and relevance of PSHE to their lives. We also appreciate the flexibility required to adapt our curriculum as events in the world unfold, and always aim to ensure we respond to local and national issues as they arise, in order to equip our students with the most appropriate knowledge and information.
The PSHE programme is delivered in conjunction with the College Careers Programme and Relationships, Sex and Health Education curriculum.
Update for May to July 2024:
The DfE are currently undertaking a consultation on the curriculum content for Relationships and Health Education, which ends in July 2024. The draft proposed changes can be viewed here:
There is no proposed start date from the DfE yet on if and when these changes may come into place, however if these changes affect any of your child’s curriculum we will inform you and update our published curriculum.